Kudos to our Student Activities Office and to RA's Ashleigh Strange and Liza Krauzer for coordinating this event!
(Photo by Stephanie Walden)
Alaskans take great pride in their individuality, and Alaska's flagship university is no different. When you decide that UAF is where you want to begin--or continue--your college education, you can apply online at http://www.uaf.edu/admissions/.
Pride Foundation is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2010-11 school year. We anticipate awarding $300,000 in scholarships during this cycle. Along with our scholarship partner, the Greater Seattle Business Association, we offer 50 different scholarships, but have only one application to complete.
New this year is our online application. Gone are the days of paper, as now students can create an account at PrideFoundationScholar.org and complete their application completely online. This makes the application more accessible and also decreases our administrative costs.
Find out who qualifies for a Pride Foundation scholarship here and read about our past scholars here.
Students and parents will have the opportunity to ask questions, get answers and experience life at UAF during UAF Inside Out, a preview event designed to let you see what the University of Alaska Fairbanks is all about--from the inside out. This event for high school juniors and seniors will be held Friday, Oct. 16. Parents and guests are welcome to attend during the day. We'll turn the university inside out so you can get the real story on financial aid, the admission process, classes and professors at UAF, extracurricular fun, and our outstanding academic programs.
Register now.