Thursday, October 1, 2009

Starvation Gulch at UAF!

Yo yo yo!
This last weekend was a hot one in the arctic north. I'm referring, of course to UAF's 85th annual Starvation Gulch, our fall celebratatory bonfire. For the event, clubs and organizations around campus gather wood to build gi-normous, flammable structures for the sole purpose of burning them down. Check out this video on youtube to see more Starvation Gulch action. This is just another example of the folks here at UAF having a blast, and having fun outside, even when it is cold. Enjoy!

Left to right: The view of the fires from the top of a neighboring hill; A life size replica flaming fire truck; Me and Chancellor Brian Rogers with the fires in the background (seen in fire gear, because tradition dictates that UAF's leader must light the fires).

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