Tuesday, December 15, 2009

&@*! It's Cold!

When we're asked, "How cold does it get in Fairbanks?" it's impossible to cover up the hard truth that it gets absolutely, nose bitingly, hand chappingly cold here. The average winter temperature is at or around zero, but it is not uncommon for us to experience -20 to -50 degree temperatures.

So what! It's cold.

Students who choose to attend UAF know that the cold will be a factor, but they also know that there are many other things that they can do despite a little cold. Visit weedsoutwimps.uaf.edu to experience a little bit of what life is like for current students here in the arctic.

Brave the cold - come to Fairbanks!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

it is good information.
can you look my blog.. please