Alaskans take great pride in their individuality, and Alaska's flagship university is no different. When you decide that UAF is where you want to begin--or continue--your college education, you can apply online at
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Laramie Project at UAF
I'm running out of silly ways to open my blog posts :) A couple of weeks ago, Theatre UAF did a presentation of The Laramie Project in the Lee H Salisbury Theatre. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the play, it is an analysis of the reaction of the people in the town of Laramie Wyoming following the 1998 brutal beating and eventual death of Matthew Shepard, a 21 year old University of Wyoming student. Why was he killed? He was gay. This was a hate crime of the most heinous sort.
The play is a brilliant observation of the concepts of hatred and ignorance in our society, and I highly encourage anyone who hasn't seen or read the play to do so. The rendition done here at UAF was quite impressive. A solid performance by the cast in a pretty difficult play to perform. In the play, each actor plays 8-10 of the residents of Laramie, each with a different personality, opinion and story. In most plays it is difficult to play one person well, but playing 10 is absolutely exhausting for actors. Nevertheless, the performance was quite solid, and was received by very positive reviews in Fairbanks. I would share photos, but of course I don't have any, being that I was only an Usher, not a cast member. Anyway, Thanks for reading, more to come!
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week
I know I'm bombarding you with blogs right now, but I have a lot to share! Two weeks ago was National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. The goal of this program is to promote awareness of the plight of those living in poverty and in homelessness, and to see what we can do to help. To commemorate this event, two UAF students, Mariah Acton and Anna Dale, organized a weeklong vigil on campus to raise awareness. Mariah is also one of my Student Ambassadors, so I was extra proud of her role in this event. Volunteers stood out in the cold in temperatures down to -20F to raise awareness. The volunteers also raised more than $400 for the Fairbanks Rescue Mission. Throughout the course of the week, I stood with the for somewhere between 3 and 4 hours in the cold. I would have stood more, but my duties called me away. I was also going to volunteer at the rescue mission with the group, but the brakes on my truck went out that day, and that had to take priority :(
The week was a tremendous success. The event was covered in the local media, and it is my hope that we will do this or something very close to it next year again. Thanks for reading!
PS: I will have photos of my participation posted soon!
Musky Oxes!

Of course, that's not the only cool research that's going on out at LARS. They also do tons of other research. Overall, it was a very cool visit and a cool experience. If you find yourself in a position to visit LARS, I would highly recommend it. Anyway, thanks for reading, stay tuned for my next post!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hello New York!
Carrie Coxon, our new admissions counselor and East Coast recruiter, and I are traveling throughout the great state of New York in an effort to recruit another great group of students to UAF! We are having a blast and loving New York. We are mostly focused in the Albany area, but we are heading into NYC on Friday and can't wait to see the Big Apple. Are you from the East Coast? Contact Carrie at
- Lael
Back from travels!

This is Joe again from the UAF Office of Admissions. I just thought I would take a couple of moments to write a blog about my recent trip to the Eastern part of this country. I just got back from a week of high school and individual visits in Michigan and Pennsylvania (and this was pre-November 4th, so the political atmosphere was intense). In Michigan, everything was going pretty great. I ran into a whole bunch of students who were interested in our Biology programs, our Hockey team, our Natural Resource Management progam, and our Marine Biology MS and PhD Programs. Overall, the enthusiasm of the students, families, teachers and counselors in favor of UAF was wonderful.
Now, it wasn't all fun: When I was supposed to fly from Musekgon (Western MI), the whole airport was fogged in, so I had to re-rent a car, and speed across the state to Detroit so I could catch my connecting flight from Detroit to Pittsburgh. Then, when I got to Pittsburgh, I found out my hotel was actually an hour drive away from the Airport. (and my rental had a funny smell, for some reason). But, after that, things went pretty well.
But hey, pop quiz: what excitement just recently occured in the state of Pennsylvania? That's right, the Phillies winning the World series for the first time in 28 years. Does Philly know how to party? Well, it would appear they do. They actually had a city wide celebration and parade on the 31st, which was the day that I was in Philly. Now dig this: the parade route went down 21st and Market, and my hotel room was overlooking 22nd and Market. I actually got to watch the Phillies' float drive by from my window. It was awesome.
In Pennsylvania, I also received a lot of postive reactions to UAF. Mostly I was asked questions about Engineering, Physics, Liberal Arts, and such. Again, the positive attitude present in the schools was very heart-warming. One of the schools in Allentown was so excited to have me at the school, I actually wound up giving the presentation in their auditorium, and they took photos for their yearbook (which I wish I had asked for copies of, in retrospect)!
Anyway, I know this is longer than I initially meant for it to be, but it's all good information and/or in good fun. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next exciting adventure of Joe in Admission Land!

Friday, September 26, 2008
Fair in Fairbanks
This is Joe, and I know it's been along time since I last posted, so I'm sorry. Let's pretend it's a couple of months ago so I can tell you about my trip to Pittsburgh. I went to Pitt in July to attend the National Student Recruitment Conference. I learned all about how to make our university more interesting and fun for our students and our prospective students. If you are interested in learning more about our student recruitment program, check out our Ambassador website.
While I was in Pittsburgh, I took the time to take in some of the sites, sounds, and smells. I climbed to the top of the Cathedral of Learning (no elevators for me, thank you very much!), visited the Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History, and went to see of Pirates game at PNC Park. Overall, it was pretty great, and afforded me an opportunity to take some great pictures. Enjoy!
Yup, that's an actual Claude Monet in the Carnegie. Beautiful, huh?
This is me at PNC Park, the most beautiful ball park in the country. :)
This is me eating a sandwich called a Hermenes. It's a concoction of burger, cole slaw, and fries. Not that great, but I had to try it, anyway :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
New Team Member!

Hi Everyone!!!
Jessica, Ginny, Joe, Lael and the rest of the Admissions staff have given me a warm welcome here at the office – they’re still showing me the ropes. It’s a strong team, and everyone’s dedicated to helping students find their place at UAF, and I’m glad to be part of that mission.
If you have any questions about anything, drop me a note at
* Photos by Todd Paris
Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fishing in Homer for the 4th of July

June is an amazing woman who spent an entire evening knitting and telling me about her goldmining parents in the early 1900's and even made sourdough pancakes for breakfast with starter her mother brought across the Chilkoot trail! There's even a framed photo in her house of her father with 12 POUNDS of gold, back when it was only $35 an ounce. [Today's price: $959 an ounce.]

...and the video to prove that it was ALL ME BABY!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Rock-n-Roll Nanooks!

Friday, June 20, 2008
Summer Time!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Goodbye for Now
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Midnight Sun Game

One of the things that Fairbanks is most famous for is being the "Land of the Midnight Sun." The reason we are called this is, not surprisingly, there is a time of year in Fairbanks where the sun doesn't set, and it stays bright all day long. We're located only 160 miles from the Arctic Circle, so it's understandable to expect some interesting weather here. Naturally, the most dramatic example of this phenomenon is the Summer Solstice. This year, Summer Solstice will occur on Saturday, June 21st, and it will be met with a wide variety of celebration throughout the city. Without a doubt, this is the biggest holiday of the year in Fairbanks, and the one of greatest interest to those who have never been here.
I would like to take a moment to tell you all a little bit about one of my favorite Summer Solstice traditions: The Midnight Sun Game played annually by the Alaska Goldpanners. The Midnight Sun Game has occured annually since 1906. The event itself is hard to describe in words. The game begins at 10:30 PM, pauses briefly at Midnight for the singing of Alaska's Flag Song, and continues until play is concluded, often around 2 AM.
The game begins as the sun is just beginning to wane, and concludes with dawn already passed. In this period of time, the entire area is illuminated entirely by the sun. Although the sun may have officially set, in Fairbanks in Summer, it never goes away. Artificial light has never been used to light this event (and never will).
This is definitely an event for those who are fans of Baseball. It has been listed as one of Sports Illustrated top 10 things for a Baseball fan to do before they die, and it deserves the praise. Again, it's hard to describe. The event is simply surreal. I know that I'll be there, and if you have a chance, I highly recommend you check it out.
Thanks for reading, my legion of loyal fans, and remember to keep on rockin' and don't stop 'till you get enough!
PS: Photo Credits to Thanks for letting me use it!
Friday, June 13, 2008
The UAF Bookfest!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
It was an amazing concert. The seats weren't FANTASTIC, but to be even as close as I was for a ticket less than his normal $600-something bucks was phenomenal. The sound, lighting, camera work, and music was all amazing. I couldn't believe the level of quality that they brought to little ol' Fairbanks. It was a concert that I won't forget for a very long time!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
There's nothing like a rainy sunset
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Admissions Counselor Racing
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The First Counselor BBQ of the summer
Admissions Counselor Racing
BTW--This is what happens when students leave for the summer.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Congratulations Hope, Joe, Megan, Jennifer, and Nicole!!
The Famous Tradition Stone!!
For more information on the Tradition Stone, visit: OR
UAF engineering students are second to none!

We were so proud of our 2008 steel bridge contest team for taking first place in the Northwest regional competition! The ASCE/AISC Steel Bridge Contest challenges students from top engineering programs across the country to create a design for a steel bridge that can hold 2,500 pounds in any of 36 different arrangements. At competition, each team then must assemble its bridge as quickly as possible. UAF's team this year incorporated a brand new joint mechanism that makes their bridge stronger, allows it to be lighter, and makes it possible to assemble much more quickly than other designs. While most teams use five or six people to assemble their bridge, UAF's team uses only four people. Not only did the team win overall, they also placed first in lightness and economy, as well as second place in aesthetics and efficiency. The team heads to the national competition in Florida later this month. Want to see them assemble it? Check out our newsroom video. Check back here later for an update on the team's results at nationals.
Congratulations to the Graduates of 2008!!!
This Sunday (Mother's Day) over 1,000 UAF students became UAF Alumni, including a few of our own! Hope, Joe, Jennifer and Nicole walked across the stage in the Carlson Center to receive their diplomas. It was an exciting and fun time. I couldn't believe how many people I knew graduating. I felt so proud to see so many students I've worked with over the years as Orientation Leaders, Ambassadors, Student Employees, and fellow students.
Congratulations Graduates! Good luck in everything that you choose to do in the future!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Shidara Taiko!
Taiko, Hajimare! Let's Taiko, everyone! On last Wednesday night I went to a workshop/performance of the Shidara Taiko drumming group in Herring Auditorium. The group hails from Okumikawa, Japan and trains for approximately 12 hours day to perfect their drumming (holy cow!). Let me just say that the training showed: their performance was astonishing. The audience was also allowed to participate in the workshop section of the performance. So, there I found myself, banging away on the drums with all my heart. I imagine I looked quite silly, but it was still awesome. This group is just one of many great groups brought up to perform in Fairbanks by the Fairbanks Concert Association. I wasn't able to take any pictures, (flash photography was prohibited) but trust me when I say it was quite spectacular. Thanks for reading, and I'll post soon about Free Comic Book Day! Cheers!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Zero Gravity at UAF

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Blood Drive at UAF
Hey everybody, Joe here! I just wanted to let you all know about the blood drive that happened at UAF last Friday. I really should have told you about it when you still had a chance to head down and donate blood, but that's neither here nor there. The bottom line is that giving blood is a good thing to do: you feel great because you're providing a valuable service, and you get free cookies! When I went on Friday, I totally got to chow down on some oreos. It was sweet. Just so you all know, the blood bank does blood drives at UAF every year, so keep your eyes peeled! Thanks for reading, and y'all have a nice day!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fourteen High Schools in Four Days!!!
Here's the list of the high schools we visited last week:
- Palmer High School
- Service High School
- South High School
- East High School
- West High School
- Wasilla High School
- Matsu Career Technical High School
- Houston High School
- Eagle River High School
- Chugiak High School
- King Career Center
- Diamond High School
- Bartlett High School
- ....hmmmm, I know I'll think of this last one later...
Day 5 consisted of an all day table-manning expedition at the IDEA fair for home schooled students.
Check out my sweet table setup where over the course of the day over 18-inches of snow fell while I sat there contemplating HOW AM I EVER GOING TO GET TO THE AIRPORT IN ONE PIECE!?!?! (in a rental car even!)

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to come out and talk to Jessica and I. It made the trip totally worth-while and a-w-e-s-o-m-e. EXTREMELY exhausting... but AWESOME none the less. Thank you.